4 Tips for Traveling as a Senior

Navigating your way through a crowded European airport and shuffling down the tight aisles of a commercial airplane is hard to do while pushing a walker or contending with steel knees. Despite this, more senior citizens than ever before are jet-setting off to tropical destinations. According to AARP, almost 99% of baby boomers surveyed in 2016 were in the midst of planning either a domestic or international holiday and were planning to travel up to 5 times during the year. Traveling during your golden years can be easy with a little research and planning and allows you to make wonderful memories with your entire family, relax, and get away from the daily struggles of everyday life. As long as you remember to pack the essentials that will help you on your journey like your medications, hearing aid batteries (look here for stock), foldable wheelchair, etc. then your trip away should be enjoyable and fun.

Contact Your Airline

Many airlines offer extra assistance to seniors or those with disabilities. You can either call ahead and advise your airline that you will require extra assistance during boarding or tell the ticket agent when you check in. You will be able to board the plane before other passengers and be escorted through the airport by a member of the airline. This means no waiting in the infamously long security queues and going straight to the priority section at the customs counter. Instead of walking through the crowded airport, you will get to relax and rest your feet while whizzing through the airport on an airline golf cart.

Join a Tour Group

Many travel companies offer bus tours designed especially for seniors. These tours travel to many beautiful coastal locations and include stops at national monuments, national parks, casinos, theater shows, and many other attractions. Often, you can get a discount when buying tickets in groups, so tours present an awesome opportunity to plan a memorable trip with your friends. Some tour companies even offer senior cruises that cater to those with disabilities or other health concerns. Many of these companies work with seniors’ communities to offer these discounts, so those in assisted living communities can contact their community manager or concierge to find the latest deals and tour packages. Those who work in the senior care sector may do so because they are dedicated and care for residents. Not only do they perform their duties professionally, but also they organize a variety of events for seniors to enjoy. When you are seeking an assisted living facility, you might want to visit websites like www.chelseaseniorliving.com/locations/new-york/plainview/ that could assist you in finding one that fits your preferences. That being said, you and your friends could be jet-setting off to exotic destinations with just a few clicks of a button. You and your friends could be jet setting off to exotic destinations with just few clicks of a button.

Phone Your Hotel

If you have a disability, you can contact your hotel to request being placed on the first floor to minimize the distance you will have to walk. Many hotels also offer mobility equipment such as walkers, canes, and electric scooters that you can call ahead and reserve before you arrive. You can also reserve transportation to attractions for to and from the airport via your hotel’s front desk staff to ensure you are comfortable and safe everywhere you go on your vacation.

Do Your Research

Plan ahead and research your travel destination to identify any possible health and safety issues you may experience. If you are going to a theme park or another location that requires long days of walking in the hot sun, you may consider calling the resort or your hotel to make mobility arrangements. Planning ahead ensures that you will enjoy every vacation destination to the fullest extent and allow the freedom to explore any of the four corners of the Earth.

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