What To Do If You Wreck Your Car Far From Home

As you’ve probably already considered, wrecking your car 800 miles from home is a much different scenario than having a car accident in your hometown. You may not have the same resources, and it won’t be quite as easy to make it back home.

If you’re looking to prepare yourself for a challenging scenario, take some time to start your research now. One of the first things you should consider before driving your car for a long distance, is get a thorough check-up and servicing done. Elementary things like checking the engine oil, tire changes, seat belt replacement, etc. can be vital to help you drive better and avoid accidents in the first place. However, it always helps to be prepared for the unexpected. Here is a quick overview of a few things to remember should you wreck your car while you are far from home.

Always have a plan B and C

As a rule of thumb for traveling, you should always have a plan B and C. You never know what could happen along the way, and having a backup plan could save your adventure. A minor car accident doesn’t have to ruin your trip.

Before leaving for your road trip, make contact with family members, and share your travel plans. If you get stuck in a small town like Binghamton, NY after a car accident, you’ll need a plan to get back on track. Do a quick search of rental car agencies in the area, and get yourself back on the road after a troublesome setback.

Know that your insurance has got you covered

It may help to know that no matter where you go in the country (United States), your car insurance policy has got you covered. Even if you’re in another state, your policy stands firm with the company.

The rules don’t really change

The standard tips for what to do after a car accident don’t really change per your location. The first thing you need to do is make sure everyone is okay. After looking after the well-being of everyone involved in the accident, notify the local authorities.

If you can move your vehicle out of the roadway, do it. It’s much safer to be out of the way of traffic, and it won’t affect your insurance claim to move the vehicle.

If you’re driving a rental car

If you’re driving a rental car when you have an accident, the protocol changes a bit. You should still notify your auto insurance carrier of the accident, because they will help give you further instruction.

You also need to notify the rental agency as soon as possible. From there, follow the procedural steps laid out by the rental company.

Call your insurance agent ASAP

As mentioned before, call your auto insurance agent. Whether you’re driving your own vehicle or a rental, your auto insurance agent could be super helpful in such a situation. They need to have all the information possible to make the best decision regarding finances in the future.