Contact Me

The more often you go for a hike or climb a tough peak, the deeper the desire to share, to explore and experience together, exchange ideas and advice and to jointly preserve and promote your endeavors. When you climb a mountain with a group of people, you learn to depend on each other for life and death, you learn to collaborate and this teamwork is imprinted in your heart. You feel it days later when you are at home doing some chores and you just feel like reaching out to someone and work together. And this is why I would like you to fill in the email form below. Do so, if you want to share your mountain experiences, do so, if you’ve never even climbed a little hill, either way I would like to hear from you:

  • Be Enlightened:Feel free to write to me with any questions or queries you may have, I will be glad to share my knowledge and experience and help and support you any way I can. I have assisted many people over the years and am always super happy to be of assistance with any questions on any mountain/hiking/climbing related topic.
  • Enlighten Me: Please do share your own knowledge and experience, I am always eager to learn about other mountain lover’s quests and adventures and, throughout my career, I have come to the realization that there is always more to find out. One of my favorite things is to discuss and share experiences and adventures with others and I have always found it most enriching.
  • Photography: There are many who sadly cannot reach the top and for those I take pictures and I would love to see your photographs and pass them on too. There is always a new view, a new perspective, a new light, a fresh look to be taken and I have found that everybody has their own style, their own way of taking mountainscape photos and I would only be delighted to have you share yours.
  • Safety Advice: Providing safety information is one of my pet projects as it is one of the most important things to consider before taking on any type of hike or climb. You cannot enjoy the mountains unless you are absolutely sure that you have taken all necessary safety precautions, that you have chosen the correct type of outing for your abilities and fitness level, that you are equipped properly and that you are sure about the route you are going to take. I am forever trying to pass on as much safety information as I possibly can and if you have queries in relation to safe climbing or hiking or wish to share some of your knowledge relating to safety, please do get in touch.
  • Biodiversity: Mountains harbor an abundance of rare flora, fauna and animals and I am always glad to share my knowledge about the incredible biodiversity of my area and have you share yours about your area. Together, we can help preserve and protect nature and ensure the survival of all species for generations to come. Unfortunately, there are endangered species and we must all collaborate to preserve and protect all animals and plants.
  • Routes: If you have recently gone off the beaten track and discovered a new route, a new trail up a mountain anywhere in the world, please get in touch, I just might try it the next time I am in the vicinity, and if you wish to obtain advice on routes in one of the many mountain areas all over the world I will be glad to be of assistance.
  • Miscellaneous: Whatever the question or query, piece of knowledge or advice, please do get in touch so that we can jointly enjoy conquering as well as gently protecting our beloved mountains.
  • Guest posting: I am open to guest posting on my site. If you have a relevant article that you want to share and publish on my site, then contact me through the contact form and I can let you know my guidelines.

No matter who you are, the world’s best or worst climber or hiker, do get in touch, so that we can share and explore further or just simply delight in the abundance of beauty, diversity and challenging adventures mountains provide all over the world. The form below is easy and quick to fill in, so don’t delay and I will be sure to respond quickly.
